One of the very first Khleo Thomas fansites.....

Khleo Posts

Kristinia DeBarge
Khleo Posts
Khleo Clips
Khleos Profile
Khleo Facts
Its My Life interview
CC and Torque Interviews
CC Pics
DIC & Holes DVD Release Pics

ok these are all the messages Khleo has posted. go to his yahoo message board and just put in one of the numbers and it will take you to a message he posted. these are pretty up to date, but if anyone sees a new one, plz let me kno!

Message numbers: 1, 135, 136, 268, 271, 1547, 3638, 4811, 5957, 5960, 5961, 5964, 5967, 5971, 5976, 5977, 5981, 5989, 5994, 6782, 6800, 6804, 7491, 7495, 7498, 7503, 7505, 7659, 11047, 11052, 11054, 11056, 11058, 11061, 11064, 11066, 11069, 12741, 12742, 12744, 12745, 12749, 12751, 12756, 12804, 12850, 12861, 13159, 15761, 15776, 16072, 19168, 20130, 20131, 20340, 20341, 20343, 20348, 20351, 20352, 20353, 21120, 22018, 22020, 22247,  22240, 22242, 22238, 22234, 22223, 22225, 22227, 23330, 23326, 23349, 23342, 23333, 23336, 23339, 23342,23628, 26601, 26603, 29983, 30711, 30740, 30719, 31841, 32873, 33194, 52145, 52149, 52152, 52153, 52157, 52164, 52173, 52178, 52185, 52187, 111002.