ok these are all the messages Khleo has posted. go to his yahoo message board and just put in
one of the numbers and it will take you to a message he posted. these are pretty up to date, but if anyone
sees a new one, plz let me kno!
Message numbers: 1, 135, 136,
268, 271, 1547, 3638, 4811, 5957, 5960, 5961, 5964, 5967, 5971, 5976, 5977, 5981, 5989, 5994, 6782, 6800, 6804, 7491, 7495,
7498, 7503, 7505, 7659, 11047, 11052, 11054, 11056, 11058, 11061, 11064, 11066, 11069, 12741, 12742, 12744, 12745, 12749,
12751, 12756, 12804, 12850, 12861, 13159, 15761, 15776, 16072, 19168, 20130, 20131, 20340, 20341, 20343, 20348, 20351, 20352,
20353, 21120, 22018, 22020, 22247, 22240, 22242, 22238, 22234, 22223, 22225, 22227, 23330, 23326, 23349, 23342, 23333,
23336, 23339, 23342,23628, 26601, 26603, 29983, 30711, 30740, 30719, 31841, 32873, 33194, 52145, 52149, 52152, 52153, 52157,
52164, 52173, 52178, 52185, 52187, 111002.