Ever since Holes, Khleo Thomas has been one busy guy. The fifteen-year-old actor plays
the best buddy and wrestling teammate of a blind teen in the Disney Channel movie Going to the Mat, and he'll be back on the
big screen as The Rocks nephew Pete in Walking Tall. Balancing Hollywood with schoolwork, family, and friends is no problem
for this talented teen, and he told IML why!
IML: Had you ever wrestled before shooting Going to the Mat?
Khleo: No, but we had a good coach and he put everything together for
us. He made us go through the steps of each move that we needed to do. We had training before the movie and during the movie.
I noticed that I picked it up really fast. It was a fun experience, but full of surprises, too.
IML: Like what?
Khleo: When I first heard it was a wrestling movie, I knew that I had
to wear those tights, but when I first saw them I was like, Oh my God! because I look so skinny in them. Each day I had to
walk out in front of a crowd with them on. After a while, I kind of got used to it and laughed about it a lot.
IML: Did you identify with your character, Fly? How are you alike?
Khleo: There are definitely some similarities but the difference is
I'm not a nerd. Flys kind of a nerd, and nervous around people, I'm not. I try to be as cool with people as I can. Thats kind
of why the school is against him. But hes a musical guy, and music is something we both share.
IML: Theres a scene where the jocks invite Andys character Jace to
go with them, leaving Fly behind. Did you ever have that happen to you?
Khleo: Yeah, when I was in elementary school one time. It was
about music. There was a music group out that I liked and no one else liked them, so it got lonely after a while.
IML: You have two brothers and a sister, right?
Khleo: Yeah. Im the oldest!
IML: Are any of them interested in being in show business?
Khleo: Actually, the brother right after me, hes the athletic one.
I thought I was athletic until I saw him. His name is Khadeem. When it comes to football, basketball, track, hes got it all.
Khameel, the four-year-old, is into music and computers. We have a digital piano in our living room and he knows how to set
it up and he can do anything on the computer, watch DVDs, go on the Internet, play videogames. My little sister Khaleea was
just born five months ago, so we're trying to figure out what she is. We all have the Kha thing in our names. It's hard for
my dad sometimes!
IML: Do you and your siblings get along?
Khleo: Yeah, we do a lot of fun stuff together. Its all fun and games
for us. We hang out all the time. We have family reunions with both sides of my family.
IML: Is it a big family?
Khleo: Yes, especially on my mamas side. Shes from
Morocco and has a lot of aunties and cousins she hasnt met yet. She came here when she was my age.
IML: What have you learned about her culture?
Khleo: My moms culture is amazing. She tells me
everything about it. Their math over there is so easy and it helps with math here, with multiplying for instance.
IML: You were born in Alaska, right?
Khleo: Yes, I was born in Anchorage, Alaska because my dad was in the
military. I lived there for like a month, thats it. Only Khameel and Khaleea were born in the U.S.. Khadeem was born in Germany.
I was about four when we came to the States.
IML: What was it like working with The Rock on Walking Tall? Were you
nervous to meet him for the first time?
Khleo: I've been a fan of The Rock ever since he first came to wrestling.
Every time I went to school I talked about The Rock. So when I finally got to meet him I couldnt believe it! When he walked
through the door I went bug-eyed! I/m standing next to The Rock, man! Hes huge. Hes very nice, though. Everyone thinks he
walks around with steam coming out of his head. No. Hes a real nice guy. But all that wrestling stuff he does he could do
easily with me. It was fun doing scenes with him. We would joke around on the set. One time, he was supposed to throw me a
blanket cause I was sleeping outside, but he threw a teddy bear to me. It was pretty funny.
IML: Do you generally keep in touch with people you work with?
Khleo: Yeah, always. Iv/e called Andy (from Going
to the Mat) a bunch of times now. I talk to Shia LaBeouf. We hooked up on the set of the movie hes doing now, Constantine,
with Keanu Reeves.
IML: Of everything you've done so
far, whats your favorite?
Khleo: I'd have to say Holes because of the experience I had. It was
my first major motion picture and I got to work with the best people in the business: Jon Voight, Sigourney Weaver, Tm Blake
Nelson, Patricia Arquette. And Eartha Kitt, who played my great-great-great grandma. It was a dream come true to be on set
and work with these people every day.
IML: Who would you want to work with if you had your choice?
Khleo: I've been wanting to work with Adam Sandler for a while, and
Bruce Willis too. And Halle Berry!
IML: When did you know you wanted to be an actor?
Khleo: At a very young age, I was in Germany watching TV and I told
my mom I wanted to be an actor. She said, Go for it. When my dad retired from the military we moved to Los Angeles and it
all kicked off.
IML: Do you think you missed out on anything by starting out so young?
Khleo: Theres nothing I missed out on. I do everything a normal kid
does. My parents keep me grounded. I still play sports. I still go to a rec center every day.
IML: What do you play there?
Khleo: Basketball!
IML: What else do you like to do in your free time?
Khleo: Work on music. Hang with my friends.
IML: Since youre home schooled, when do you see them?
Khleo: Every weekday, after they do their homework,
we chill. If we want to we go to the mall and see a movie.
IML: What do you think is the most important quality in a friend?
Khleo: Basically, people who'd be on my back. Three of my friends,
the closest ones, I've known them forever. I grew up with and played on the same basketball and football teams with them.
They always stick by me.
IML:Do you have a girlfriend?
Khleo: No, I'm actually single right now. I am looking!
IML: And what do you look for?
Khleo: Personality, a great smile, funny, and very
IML: What turns you off?
Khleo: A girl with a phony laugh!
IML: What would people be surprised to know about you?
Khleo: I cant stop biting my nails. Its a bad habit
of mine. I like anything to do with math and numbers. I know a lot of people don't like geometry, but for me its fun.
IML: Do you plan to go to college?
Khleo: Yeah, thats my plan. I want to go to college and get my degree.
I want to major in acting or biology. I also want to play basketball.
IML: Do you think you can make the team? Youre not exactly Shaq-sized.
Khleo: I know, but size doesnt matter. If you can shoot and dribble
and run fast, you can get on the squad. Ive got some more to grow. I have big hands and feet. I wear a size 10 1/2 now!
IML: Who are your role models?
Khleo: My parents. My mom and dad have been together
since they were in ninth grade. They had to deal with racial issues along the way and to this day theyve been together. They
taught me that no matter what people say, you have to be yourself. And if stuff isnt going a good way, it could turn out good
the next time.
IML: Which entertainers do you admire?
Khleo: Will Smith, because he doesnt cuss in his rap. Hes an artist
who does everything, from TV to movies to rap.
IML: Youre working on a music career too, arent you?
Khleo: Yes. I'm so into music. I love reggae, rap, rock. I love all
kinds of alternative. My own style is hip-rap. Ive been in the studio and I have six tracks down.
IML: Do you play any instruments?
Khleo: On the set of Holes, Shia taught me some of the strings on the
IML: What advice do you have for other kids who want to sing or act?
Khleo: Its hard at first, but dont give up. You may go out on something
you think is right for you and you might not get it. The first time it happened to me I wanted to stop acting. It was a TV
show, Wanda at Large, and it didnt come through. I felt I was perfect for it. You can go two months or a year without booking
something. Its a challenge. There are so many actors and actresses out there who want to make it. My mom said, You dont have
to stop. Dont give up, this is just one.
IML: Do you work with any charities or do volunteer work?
Khleo: I'm planning to get with the Starlight Foundation. I'll be playing
in Frankie Munizs charity basketball game this year.
IML: Good luck in everything, Khleo, and thanks for talking to us!
Khleo: Thanks to you too!